Farm Pond
Odisha is bestowed with an average annual rainfall of 1400 mm. Though, such amount of rainfall is sufficient for cultivation practices during the kharif, its erratic and uneven distribution results in occurrence of drought and flood. Water scarcity during critical stages of crop growth hampers its production; hence it affects farmers’ income. To supplement the water shortage during those critical juncture, farm pond scheme is conceptualised, particularly to provide lifesaving irrigation during kharif and popularisation of Integrated farming system.
Creating storage facility during rainy season with minimum investment and providing life saving irrigation in the event of erratic rain distribution during kharif.
Undertaking Integrated Farming System (IFS) for sustainable Agriculture with Additional income generation to farm families and making them self reliant
To ensure income generation and employment creation for unskilled labourers as per mandate of MGNREGA.
Stake Holders:-
Directorate of Soil Conservation & Watershed Development (Nodal Agency) , Directorate of Horticulture , Directorate of Agriculture and Food Production.
Mission Shakti and Department of Panchayatiraj and Drinking Water
Target Group:-
The farm families residing in rural areas having land at least the size of farm pond are eligible under the programme and Beneficiaries will be selected as per eligibility mentioned in the MGNREGS guidelines.
Working Principle:-
The field level official like VAW / HEW / SCEW will identify the beneficiary with active help of WSHG, PRI members and facilitate preparation, submission of completed application with due verification of land records and feasibility report.
After the receipt of approvals by the Palli Sabha / Gram Sabha steps will be taken for Technical Sanction / Financial sanction . The work order will be issued in favour of the beneficiary by the i.e PDWS / ADSC , being the Programme Officer
The work will be executed manually through job card holders (wage seekers) with Grade-1 Women SHGs as worksite supervisor who shall be engaged by the Project Implementing Agency (PIA) of concerned district in consultation with Mission Shakti. Payment of wages will be made as per norms of MGNREGS.
The pond size should be selected as per the availability of land holdings. Three indicative models are prepared as below.
Model.1- 10m x 10m x 3m,Model 2-15m x 15m x 3m,Model.3- 20m x 20m x 3m
( The estimates should be prepared as per the actual size / site / Soil condition following prevailing Schedule of Rates of Works Department and and MGNREGS cost norms and duly approved by competent authority.)